Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Single-handedly blogging...
The AGA is restored to working order, with a new burner unit and thermostat, and a thorough cleaning inside and, well, the inside is really clean. The outside got the standard razor blade scraping of the bad bits, and some BonAmi and Mr. Clean's magic eraser. Passable for a magazine shoot; definitely not AGA showroom shiny. Good enough for Becher Haus, 'cuz we're just gonna mess it up again anyhow.
The new fabric shelves are fantabulous and lovely and perfect. Now, how do I go about asking for more of them? I'd have a photo of them both here, but I'm a lazy, forgetful lout who keeps forgetting the camera. Tomorrow, dearies... I'll have Melly take the photos herself, if all else fails. I had a whole fun post planned, but the heat of the day sucked it away, and the strangeness of this new lifestyle keeps weirding me out, and my kids were grouchy butts and meatloaf... I came home from work and built meatloaves. Ten tiny ones, and my butty kids ate eight of them, and took showers and now I just miss that man who is cute and lives here and who vacuumed the whole house today with the new Sego vacuum. Tomorrow I am going to relearn short-row heels, drag the spinning wheel into the shop, and start planning quilt kits, because I'm told it's the wave of the future. I'd had such high hopes for the fabric bits of Clementine's. Quilt kits really? As in, just gimme one of those and I'll make the exact carbon copy of the thing on the front ? Oh, dear. But if that's what it takes, alrighty then...
Amy Butler patterns due to arrive any day. If you have volunteered to sew, say, a skirt , then be alerted that in a day or two you'll have some deciding to do. Swatches will be on the blog... maybe we should have everyone vote on which ones should become what objects? hmmmm... so, lil' dude is asleep now. Have a fab evening, and yes, to all who've asked, I *do* mail order for yarn, fabric, etc. Call the shop and let me know your heart's desire. (store number is three one seven, seven three six, oh, oh,one, two) How's that for avoiding those sneaky robots? g'night. Cami
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Unintentional Eli
So, what you can see of the shop isn't too detailed. I'm not showing the other wall till the 'ladies' get to the shop. Currently they are residing in the Crocker's garage, and it's just been waaay to muggy and hot... you might even say 'sultry' , to get their final coat of paint on. And the ladies musn't be 'tacky' when we put the fabric bolts on them.
The cutting table's progress was updated today as well. It seems all appendages are assembled and doing well, but again the Indiana humidity is stalling their otherwise4 (it had to happen sooner or later) rapid growth and development. I'd show you photos but, alas, I am too thick to find them, even when I move them to the "my pictures" folder. Bill/Boris has a *lot* of crap in there. Pretty cutting table photos have been swallowed, but when I can swipe them from my own camera, you'll be the4 first to know.
Today was a fine day at the shop, and I *finally* had some knitters come in. The past two days were deadly dull and lonesome. The heat here is making the prospect of hunting yarn and fabric seem pretty ridiculous, so to my customers and sit&knitters, thank you for coming. And Naomi found the mugs. I wanted them, and she hunted them down for me. So now there's tea, and as soon as I have the logistics of keeping cream for the4 coffee fresh, we'll be all set. Scones, Red... there'll be scones. And cookies. And petit pain au chocolat. And caramel-pecan stickies... oh, I do despise pms. It turns me into the most crazed kind of bakery whore. If I wasn't so tired and everyone else already in bed, I think I might start a batch of brioche dough this minute. Perhaps Tuesday, after the AGA repairman comes.
Back to Rosemary&Thyme. As you were, knitters. Cami
Friday, August 24, 2007
chair info for Jaye
Thursday, August 23, 2007
As requested: the whore-y nails
Where are the bums?
Too bad I didn't think to pack the camera, so you could see a slew of butt-less chairs, but that's okay. They'll keep for now. I could've also shown you the geeky sign I made from the sandwich board Bette brought over last week. She'd painted the inside panels on a crib head/foot boards with chalkboard paint... it's sitting right outside my door this very minute. Oddly enough, she called me from a knitting shop on Bainbridge Island just today and asked me what kind of STR I would like...
Sorry, I must've passed out again. Socks That Rock. Coming to me. In a super-secret colorway I haven't seen before. I'm not even going to look it up, because that would ruin the surprise. Okay, that's total bs. I'll be back in a sec...
Huh. There isn't any of that specific colorway listed... anywhere. We'll have to wait 'till it arrives back from WA with the traveler responsible for it's safe passage. Okay, I've got a wee bit o' straightening up to do, and we're out of here in just 38 minutes. Possibly this is the longest day ever. Good thing I was holed up in a yarn and fabric shop, and not, say, home... where I would've eaten my weight in those ice cream 'drumstick' things. Bill bought the good ones, with the chunk of chocolate in the tip of the cone. Later, crafty-mommas. Eli is about to launch himself off a stack of fabric bolts... Cami
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Kelly is a bad influence...
I just realized that my hands resemble what I always imagined 'Miss Piggy's' mitts would look like if she ever took off the elbow length gloves. Oh well, we only go 'round once in this life (forgive me if you're a Buddhist... or an Asian sex worker, for that matter), and I figured what the heck. They might be amusing. I hadn't thought ahead to grooming, contact lenses, and what I'd do in the event of a toilet emergency. Lucky for me my waist is the fattest part of me... those britches shuck right down when you're really in a hurry. Zippers. Who needs 'e4m?
The sewing machine is going to work with me tomorrow. I think my mother gave it some sort of complex, and it has been complaining bitterly ever since she left, moaning and pissing about being abandoned, and improperly loaded bobbins and the like. And there is the little matter of the sock monkey quilt which I'm obligated to finish, even though there is a delectable slew of fabrics screaming for my affections in the shop. I'm chalking it up to 'character development' and taking the torture like a girl. But when it's over and done with, I'm making a quilt with big honkin' pieces. No fussy at all.
Still haven't gotten all my purchase orders ready to fax tomorrow, so this will have to be good night to all you crafty persons of dubious taste in blog reading. Possibly tomorrow will bring some 'remote blogging' from Clementine's... stay tune4d
Sunday, August 19, 2007
I need a wife!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
in which Cami is forced to recycle her post...
Blogger is still reporting 'error on page' when I try to post pics, so I'll show you later. It was just the odd "patting of the fleece" and a photo I took on the way into town today of our new 'neighbors'... the four horses of the apocalypse. They are adorable, and very interested in the passing of cars/trucks. I'm getting them some apple treats, and may possibly consider walking down the road to feed them personally (with their owners permission, a'course) Later, knittas. Cami
Thanks to some helpful advice, I was able to get at least one photo to post, though re-starting to post another isn't an option right now. I'm an ol' tired woman who needs some sleep. And I jsut realized I didn't get both 'paints' in the photo-op. Gah. Will try again after I buy apple treats. C
Thursday, August 16, 2007
"how many customers does it take..."
Speaking of, has anyone carefully analyzed the tag results on Emily's blog? Hmmmm? Not to point any fingers, but can I just take a wee moment here to shout "GO TEAM!!!!"? and "Rapid Rag Relayers ROCK" and whomever is up next, keep those fingers warm and nimble, and don't poop out on us... we're doing great. I'd also like to cheer on Gaylen's team... she's a 'Happy Yarn Hag'... I'd like for them to come in second, so, "GO HAGS!" to those gals as well.
GMarie called me on opening day and I nearly fainted... how weird is it to hear someblogger's voice out of the blue, or rather, out of the phone... it was an unexpected treat and I was so flattered and grateful for the attention. You should know this about Gaylen Marie also... she has volunteered... of her own free will... to sew clothing samples for the shop. I'm getting together Amy Butler's patterns practically as I type this. Enjoy the vaycay, my lovely, crafty friend... you'll likely find yourself very busy sewing "future skirts" in the near future.
Is my policy a good one, or am I 'taking advantage' of the pool of stitchers by offering the make it and (in six months) take it approach? So far, (in my vast two days experience) having samples for the general public to fondle and snort has helped make the sale. The 'Frog Tree' scarf in particular. This again is why I'm keeping mum tied to the sewing machine. Tomorrow I'm putting the pieced top in the shop window, then mailing it off for machine quilting on Monday. She leaves on Saturday, so I'm feeling like I need to push,er,'utilize' her for all she's worth. She really likes sewing, or at least she did 'till today *snort* and I hope seeing the fabrics actually made up into a blanket will move the stuff along. I don't want to seem too pushy, but seriously, if you want to make a sample, send me an e-mail and volunteer your 'special skillz' and perhaps I'll be able to take you up on it. 'Cuz having the shop has so far meant far less time for fun and creating, and more time for anxiety and ulcer-growing.
Tomorrow is Bill's birthday. I'd had him take the day off, so we could go see a movie... yes, I had *totally* forgotten about having a *store*. There. That's my stupid confession for the week. I forgot about opening the shop. Could I be any more "duh"? It really is fun, I love meeting new knitters (no quilters yet... but I've been told they are coming... soon, and in packs), and once the freak-out newness of the daily operations wears off, I promise I'll be much more pleasant to be around. And Mel, your yarn should should go into the que for shipping tomorrow. I'll call with details, but it's coming straight to you... whew. Gotta go sneak up on my mother... she's being too quiet. Cami
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Post-party post, or, Happy Birthday, Lillian
I have no blog fodder tonight anyway. I got two fake molars this morning. A 'permanent' porcelain on the bottom right, and it's 'temporary' matching upper. In another two weeks I go in for more torment and then will have a matched set of "glass teeth". Not quite as impressive as a glass eye, or a wooden leg, but there is a certain cache to having dumped so much yarn money into my mouth. At least if my remains are ever found in a ditch, the authorities will know I wasn't a hobo.
Other than my mother visiting (surprise - she came, and is staying for the opening on the 15th!) and Lilly turning eight (27 hours of v-bac labor put to good use), today was just a small breather before the excitement/trauma of getting the shop open and finding out a friend's family is having a heart sickening rough patch to go through. I know other people's problems are not mine, but she's one of us, and all afternoon I kept feeling like someone had tried to kick me in the stomach. If you are reading this, good woman, know that our best wishes are with you, and that I've already said about forty prayers for your family to come through this time of torment stronger and more steadfast than ever. Nothing is insurmountable, and you just have to keep getting through 'the next five minutes'... I can't fix things, but I can listen if you need an ear. Or a really big adult beverage. I can mix the hell out of some ice and tequila. (please tell me you cracked a smile, 'cuz I'd hate to have to bring up the pole-dancing in the back of the store...)
Anyway, muh knittas, something is up with craptastic-wonderblog-blogger, so I'm out for now. Go knit (or sew... see, I'm well-rounded) something fabulous, or at least useful. Come on back to find out how 'grand opening Wednesday' turns out. Btw, I met a 'someone' who knows fabric lines by name and designer... How cool do we think that is? I *know*... and she's crafty. Quite possibly we'll be inducting her into the fold... stay tuned... Cami
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Photos fur (Bari) Elise
Thursday, August 9, 2007
One Lucky Guitar
Miss Melly helped put out some inventory. She built three wire yarn barns. The inhospitable kind with the corner bits that have to clip together, only she cut the dead weight and merged all three into one giamongous, seven and a half foot long wall of yarn. It is impressive. More stunning still is how little actual swearing and cursing she required to git 'er done. She also did a fair amount of 'boutiqueing' for the shop, and helped find the sales counter. I love having handy friends.
When I got home there was a reminder of tomorrow's 'fashion show' for the "Matilda Jane" line of clothing for girls and their emaciated mothers. Now, as the mother of two gals who look adorable in matchy-matchy dresses (and because this particular brand of torturing them never gets old for me), I had decided I'd go check out what's new for fall. I went to the website hoping to catch a glimpse of what the 'flavor' was to be. You know when you see something spectacular, something so fresh and alive and wonderful that it just stuns you speechless (in my case, a good cuppla seconds) and right away you want to know how you can make it your own? Desire, craving, jealousy, all-out greed. The art on this website was stunning. Just simple photos, sepia, or faded, but all lovely. The colors somber, but strangely joyful. I had the sense of leaves crisply falling to the ground, of the smell of acorns and apples, the cool breeze wafting the scent of earth and tree bark to me. It was web design as 'art'. Not the craptastic templates you see everywhere, but a real study in who their client was. Who are THEY? They are 'One Lucky Guitar' and I read up a lil' bit about them, but as I read on, I came to the realization that I. Must. Have. Them. And I probably can't afford them. *sniff* Clementine has already weighed in on this matter, to point out that they didn't design a 'retail' site, and who the hell can't use the sepia function on their camera phone, and a whole lotta other unflattering things about geeks and artsy-types, and especially about the two combined... something or other about "cloning sheep to do web design"... I didn't stay for the rest of her rant. Shop stress is taking a toll on her, and she's vowed to stay in the gin bottle until I prove the credit card reader works. At least I know where to find her.
That's all for now, gentle reader. I'm off to watch the chirruns' eat their dinner, then it's a little knitting and movie time for moi.
p.s. The other half of redrhonda, a deliciously dark-haired man we'll call 'Scott' has graciously agreed to make Clementine a new cutting table for the shop. She actually insisted (from inside her bottle of Beefeater) that I be sure to thank him. She reminded me how much he dislikes 'non-Olympic' wood-working projects. We are both so very grateful for his consideration. Cami
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
My kingdom (or stash) for a brain
On the upside, I got three complete accounts logged into the inventory, but I'm waiting for my Brown Sheep and Schaefer orders to arrive. I think there are a few accounts I'm going to keep vague, like the "artsy" yarns. If it's a one-of, or a handpainted grouping, what is the point of assigning it an item number? Or the huge order of yarns for fulling (it has become a peeve of mine... just today, I think, that no one uses the proper term for shrinking a knitted item.) I shall use it. Y'all just keep up, k? Anyway, all that Nature Spun worsted, seventy six colors in all, does *not* require meticulous record keeping. If the wall looks a bit wan on blue, I'll order some. It isn't that huge of a shop. I have all the fabric grouped by designer, rather than particular print. This will suffice until I have an e-store running at the same time. Which, without a geek... I have *no freekin' idea* what hole Megan the wonder-geek fell down, but I'll need a bit more assistance if she's going to get those socks ('Motherlode' from Lorna's Laces) on her piggies.
In other news, I'd like to inform all rag-taggers that the 'ball band' dishrag is taking forever. I'm soooo glad I opted for the hexagon-shaped one, even with the bobbles and eyelets. 'Cuz after the eyelet rounds, it gets twelve stitches smaller every other round. Keen, huh? I sure thought so. Brilliant design. Of course now I'm mired in the ball-band version, in a sky blue/lime green combination. You'll see it when I'm done. Right now, I'm remote blogging from the dining room table, trying to get used to this stinking laptop. It's the no mouse thing that's killing me. Tried to buy one at Target yesterday, while shopping for temporary yarn displays... do you know how hard it is to find 'Vista' compatible anything? It was like we'd entered a giant, time-sucking worm-hole... it even took an embarrassing amount of time to find a gig flash drive that would work. Annalea, I'd love to follow your advice, but there is seriously no extra cash bits, and the lady helping me with Quickbooks got a little panicky when I mentioned the swap-out to her. So many details, not enough brain cells.
Well, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this keyboard, now to spell-check and be done for the night. Tomorrow will find me in the shop, kid less, in the morning, then hopefully knitting with some of muh knittas later in the day. With a lovely, temporary wire-grid structure mucking up my rockin' yarn and fabric shop. Btw, my mother has declined an invite to come help (i.e. babysit her devil-spawn grandchildren for free) because she'd be "in the way"... y'all don't know the extent of my wrath. Just wait till she needs a nursing home. I might not be a very careful 'shopper', if you get my meaning... until tomorrow, when I hopefully will be better rested, less cranky, and possibly wearing underwear. Lazy, lazy girl... Cami
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
The Ladies have started to arrive...
Pretty, aren't they? They are for the knittas who will frequent the shop. More precisely, I would have to say they are for a certain tall redhead, and a Harley-mama... except I know two such knittas. I'll just change out the personalized lumbar pillows (in the design phase currently) when the other one is present. And I keep meaning to show off some of my swap-yarn... this one is called "Karma" and I just love it. Good call, Stephanie. A most excellent color combination, and one I can't wait to dig into. Behold...
Obviously, a person who got sleep on a routine basis could've taken a better photo, but I think I captured the color range pretty well. Palest blue, to bright turquoise, to brown, to green... a nice, Lilly Pulitzer kind of green. I don't like anything half-way, and most assuredly not wishy-washy colors. I love this colorway. Sadly, the other skein is unavailable for comment, but it is also beautiful; a cobalt blue, cocoa, and ginger colorway called "Cannon Beach". More lovely 'Yarn Pirate' yarn. I'd do a link, but I'm ready to fall over, just from the effort of breathing, it seems. But I can't sign off for the day till I show you this:
You know in the Bible, when you get to the boring histories of everybody (and so and so begat so and so, who begat so and so... for *ever*, until you long for another plague or a good whore story just to break up the monotony...) well, this is what Carrie 'begat' at my house... see the two balls of cotton on the left? Looking for all the world like they don't even like each other, let alone ever consider breeding. Ha. Do y'all see what happened in my house today? Seven balls of dishrag cotton. Seven. I'm going to be knitting 'warshrags' for quite a little while, with all the breeding of string going on here. I only ran into the store for a minute, en-route to the post office to mail off the rag-tag box. I never saw this coming. Gotta go do a bit of inventory inputting now. Type at y'all knittas later. Unless I get buried under a pile of cotton skeins. Apparently they breed like rabbits. Cami
All in a day's work
Yes, in a fit of sleep-deprivation, I succumbed to running a little organdy ribbon (can't find my secret stash of grosgrain, which means the girls *did*) through the eyelets. OMG. I spent an evening knitting a dish rag... with lacy bits. Lord love a duck, I *am* nuttier than squirrel turds. Mailing this off in a few hours. Total time spent at my house... are you sitting down? If I leave for the P.O. at ten in the morning, this box will have been in my house less than twenty hours. It took me four to knit this thing, because I kept losing my place. Had husband put in a favorite flick of mine as he stumbled up to bed, so I knitted to Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo. Before that, husband watched 'Waterboy', which always gives me giggle-fits, hence the losing my place on the dishrag... and I haven't even posted photos of the pretties Stephanie sent me for our swap. The yarn is gorgeous, the chocolate mints nearly gone, and as soon as I get Bigrrrl washed, she'll have a cute sticker to sport. I have never stuck a sticker on a vehicle before... but Bigrrrl likes it, so she agreed to putting it on her rump... or, possibly, her rear... window. Saw a cool sticker on a car on the way home tonight. "Humankind. Be Both" Interesting, no? Oh, I forgot to mention the soap. Yummy soap, in the spicy kind of scent I prefer. And *so* shimmery. She is a 'potions' expert... I'm hoping she'll make some for the shop someday, too.
I have to go sleep now, or all my effort to knit quick will be for naught. I'll catch y'all later. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Monday, August 6, 2007
A Big Dose of Stupid
Anyway, it seemed I hadn't done the 'grunt work' of inputting all the inventory, and that is where we had to start. For nine hours and 48 minutes, we counted, labeled, and input countless items. My brain shorted out, then Patsy's went out, too. We packed up and left together, into the dark Indiana night. I knew I wanted to at least get the Louet input on my own, more as a test of mettle than anything else, so I packed up the laptop, BOTH halves of the power cord, and the two handbags, the cooler, and, I thought the file box... you know, the plastic brain where I keep all the invoices, account information, my business checks... just, as I mentioned, *everything*.
It was a long day, and a longer night, and suddenly I found myself in the throes of a panic attack. Bill had wanted to see what I'd 'learned' from my afternoon/evening with a professional Quickbooks Advisor. So, I thought I'd show off a little and put my inventory of lovely Canadian yarn into place... but where had I set the file box? Funny... I didn't even remember taking it out of the car. Hmmm... I also didn't remember putting it into the car. Oh, this was just craptastic. I tried to tell myself there was no way I'd forget a file box sitting next to the jeep. But it was dark. I was tired. It had to still be inside the building, right? I took a whole mg. of xanax and tried to go to bed.
Crushing chest pain. Heart racing till I feel faint, dizzy, and very nauseous. What to do? Then it dawned on me... call the Franklin police. Yep. Nothing like having to broadcast loud and clear what kind of an idiot is coming to town to hang out her knittin' an' quiltin' shingle. I called. When the dispatcher asked me for my name, I told her, then I spelled it out for her... S-t-u-p-i-d Becher. Seriously. She laughed. And less than ten minutes later, at 12:38 a.m., a nice sounding policeman called me back to say they found nary a trace of the file box. Not that it helps. I just can narrow it down tomorrow (sock camp at two p.m.... come if you're interested, to the shop, not clear out here) when I'm in town. Either I did in fact leave the box inside, or it was an easy mark for someone, out prowling around town ten-ish at night, in the burg.
Two things I know for an absolute certainty. Vista is possibly the damnedest o.s. ever, and I have waaaaay too much fiber goodness in my shop. And there is a whole lot more on order... and I'm running outta storage options. Time to call in more reinforcements... but first sleep. Then sock camp. (Four whole students. They's better just show up I tell ya.) Night all you knittas. Cami
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Nothing to see here...
Trust me, there's more. I could show you the yarn wall, but it really isn't quite ready. Melly has sweetened up her sweetie some more and he's building a different style of 'yarn house' to put on top of the flat yarn bins DestructoKenny made previously. Oh, alright. I'll give you a peek... or two, but this is VERY preliminary, and in no way reflects the effect I'm going for... See there? That's a house full of 'Smooshy', with Opal living next door. Louet is there, too. more of that came today. I'm only missing two of the 46 colors now. Did you want to see the rest of the yarn wall? Fine. I'm sleepy, and haven't the will to argue...
Now, try to imagine a lovely, roomy, spacious 'condominium' of fiberlicious goodness arranged between those two dollhouses full of yarn. When it's done,I think the Lorna's Laces will move in, along with some of the Louet Gems, because there is more yarn coming. Oh, and the furniture should be here soon... oh, and I won the bid for the round mahogany coffee table, you know, for the knitters to use, for bevs, and gadget-holding, and cookie-resting. General flopping. Useful. And cheap. Thirty bucks. (And my silent bid was fifty... bargain!)
I leave you this evening with a sad little photo I took the other night when I got home from fake knit-night... Monday evening, when muh knittas came to paint and clean and do all sorts of heavy grunt jobs for Carpet Diem. This is what was waiting for me on the steps up to our bedrooms... A 'neglected' little man, who passed out waiting for momma to come home. His father insists this happened just moments before I pulled in the drive... a likely story. Probably true. He has actually fallen asleep in weirder places before. At least he's wearing a diaper...
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Carpet (yester)Diem
Once the carpet was in (and please allow me to digress here a wee bit...if you are a carpet installer by trade, and thus paid by the job, rather than hourly, do consider firing your hired help if said 'help' runs his complaining mouth twenty times faster than he can move his ass. I am also tired, and waiting for you to finish, so I can take my tired children home, and load up two trucks, a seatless Suburban, and a trailer with stock which has to be hauled into town this same day...) we had loads of work to do, and it was after 11p when we got home last night. this morning Melly and Rhonda came back to help with set-up, and a local shop owner (Julie Wells, of the 'Imagination Station' toy store in Franklin) also kicked in her afternoon to get the software working. Apparently Vista is a monumental pain in the ass even when all the peripherals have the proper drivers, blah, blah, blah. It was a fiercely long day... again... but, and this makes me giggle every time I think about it... Melly (not me) painted the doll,er, yarn houses today. Rhonda got most of the point-of-sale stuff working, and had to leave before the root cause of the day's dilemma was discovered. It wasn't her, it was the darn Vista.
I can barely move my hands, and am desperate for my children to just. Now. My head is going to explode, my fake tooth (the temporary covering the titanium post) has a sharp edge which is cutting up the side of my tongue. My nice soap came today, but all three bars smell of peppermint. A lot. So much for olive blossom and ginger/lemongrass/honey... alllll mint. Perhaps they'll air out a bit. Texture is delicious, though. Possibly the silkiest soap I've ever had my hands in. I'm going to go wash my tired dogs in actual peppermint soap and catalog shop when the kids are upstairs. Load of mail order catalogs came today. I'm really loving the pink and brown leopard print clogs in the Hanna Anderson catalog... yes, my resistance to frivolous purchasing is way down, but I remember how perfect those clogs are if you stand all day... which, apparently I do, now. You go knit something fab... then come taunt me with it, k? Cool. Miss all you... comment, comment, comment. Pretend I put those on your blog, and know I'll be back to real comments soon... I think. Cami