Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Meet 'matt'

This wasn't the best picture I got of 'matt', but it's the only one I can get to publish. The three cones of crap-cotton wanted their basket brought out from under my desk and moved into the kitchen. The whiney little punk on the left made a point to shiver every time the a/c kicked on today, and the darker cone, back-right, was bitterly dissappointed that I didn't leave him on top of the AGA, where the photo-op began. You can't hear it, but they are discussing amongst themselves the idea of a protest, by way of entanglement, for getting pulled off the cooker. That sassy one in the back even tried to wrap himself around the hob rail in front... quite a little mess I had, sorting them out. All this because of a forced venture into Walmart, waiting on my contact lenses to be found. Bored, wandering, deciding to see what'sup in the world of cheap yarn. Well, that, and I'd just gotten the Mason/Dixon book. Ugh. Why even bring it up? Because I'm still trying to sponge cool looking t-shirts off people to try the 'calamari' knitting. I've even dug out those nasty size 17 Boye needles in anticipation... I'm a knitting vulture...that's way worse than being a yarn ho.

In other, unrelated (okay, yes, it is still knitting related... isn't everything?) news, I may have gotten my little prob with Louet sorted out, so I can begin ordering. So far, my first order is up to $3105.00 - does that seem whack? I love the 'fantasy' part of the shopping experience; what sucks wind is them being out of all the colors you really wanted, and trying to get up to your minimum with just the crap colors/yarns left to chose from. Not that Louet has crap colors... We'll find out after TNNA, when everyone has returned to work next week. Hope you have fun and step in something stinky if you're going. I am bitterly jealous. Next year it's in Cali, so that's possibly NOT possible, either.

Now, it is late, so I'm putting away my knitting for the night, and rocking little mister Eli to sleep in front of some BBC. Sounds like Dragonfly had a successful trip to 'Loop Yarn Shop' today. I'm mailing you cotton tomorrow, doll... hope you can use it. I have some soysilk lace-weight too, for the next package... if you don't mind watermelon-y colors. Night, all you knitters (and Christie, my favorite lurker... say "hi" to Christie, everybody)... Cami


LotusKnits said...

That's a pretty sizable order of Louet! And I bet they don't have any crap colors. Love how your 'matt' is progressing!

(and hiiiiiiiiiii christy! hehehe)

Christie said...

Since I was chastized by the infamous Camilla last night I am now delurking (Is that even a word???) :)

Your Blog rocks even if I don't understand all the yarn talk!

Love Ya!

Dragonfly7673 (Vicki) said...

Looking forward to the yarn! Spent about 50/50 yarn versus needles (I didn't have small size dpns, I can hear you all gasp in horror).

I like the look of "matt" and Hi Christy!

publishing pictures, might be file size. you may need to compress the good ones to a smaller size to get the blog to take. (just a guess)