Saturday, September 6, 2008


A super-speedy trip through the local supermarket marked the beginning of week's end, not to be confused with the actual weekend you may already be experiencing. Thus has begun a sort of count-up: two days until #1 son's double root canal, three days till daughter, the sequel's sealants go on, nine days until the 'Love Shack' patchwork class, ten days until my tonsillectomy, sixteen days until both son-the-second's visit to the oral surgeon and the sweater class/knit-along begins... it makes me kind of dizzy, and more than a bit anxious, because I am a simple sort of person. Ask anybody. I can't even keep track of an organizer, much less be bothered to write things down in it. This month will be a pint-sized "growth opportunity". (You'll find me huddled in the corner, whimpering and pounding my head against the wall. Just check back on the 30th.)

The newsletter went out yesterday. I got to add a few more names today, and for the really cute blonde chick who couldn't see the photos, I think you just need to remove the parental controls. (They're 'stock photos' anyhow... you'll have to tune in to next month's issue to see the stack-and-whack quilt blocks, along with the October *new feature* itty-bitty-knitty project.) I'm taking my first official stab at writing a pattern for the project, and hope to have a link to the free pattern within the issue (cue the Melly!). Jeez, that sounds busy, doesn't it? You can't stop stupid... at least not when I'm on a roll.

Btw, Caroline came in with said quilt blocks and I nearly pee'd my pants. Wow. All amazing kaleidoscopic gorgeousness, but you can curl up in it. Awesome. I have two talented chicas stitching up sample quilts right this minute, and they've offered to make more. (Can you stand it? It so 'citing!)
Well, the wee-est of the wee Bechers has gone and passed out, so I'm taking that as my cue to put this blog to bed, too. Tomorrow will be a picture-post... I don't know yet about content. We'll see what happens after my eyes are pried open. C


Thimbleanna said...

Hey cool -- someone besides me had problems with the pics. I don't think I have parental controls -- unless we're screening stuff from Scruffy. And if I do, I have no clue how to remove them. Guess that's something I should check into.

Just a wee bit worried about your big month. Take deep breaths. Frequently!

Anonymous said...

When it rains it pours, right? You just have to roll with it and not analyze every moment. It will happen as it comes along. You know you have several "sistahs" who will back you up as much as we can - so what if Lilly and Eli have to run the shop for a day or two. Ha...
The removal of tonsils undoubtedly will speed up the weight loss - how many points does ice have?
Say a prayer, think good thoughts, healthy karma, (whatever your belief) for my husbands surgery tomorrow. I'm sure everything will be all right, but I don't know how much longer this "Florence" thing can go on. The body needs long periods of rest.
Good, happy thoughts to all,
love, Robin

Unknown said...

Oh - my head is spinning just reading that. I didn't get the newsletter. *pout*

I started some new socks yesterday and pulled out the tiny red steel size 00 (1.75)double pointed needles from the Susan Bates Sock Set. They were fun! g

Dragonfly7673 (Vicki) said...

newsletter? there's a newsletter?