Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I can't look...

Okay, so the titanium dental implant-y thing... not so bad. They gave me nice percocets and I've barely had any discomfort. The bouquet of flowers was a nice touch, too. I do really think that if more dentistry were done in this fashion, weenies like me would have waaay more 'stuff' done.

So, that leaves me... feeling so darn good that I talked the old husband into taking his old wifey out yarn shopping, which I think you'll agree is just exactly the right sort of thing to do if you're strung up a bit on Xanax and morphine. Yup. Just the ticket. Right here is where I'd show you all the loot, the two 33 gallon bags of loot, that filled the back of the Suburban. That is, if I could get it all into one place for a photo-op. There were such deals to be had... oh, my...

I'd show you more, but sometimes my in-laws look at this blog, and I don't want them thinking I'm super nutty or something. Besides, if you factor in how many people I actually knit for, and that I'm not the only knitter in this house anymore, AND that I have a sock-camp to prep for, and that I'm opening a yarn shop, and therefore need to knit samples, etc.... well, then this isn't really all that much yarn. What you may not notice is all the lovely 'Mission Falls' superwash I got. Fifty skeins. And I forgot to get the eight skeins of 'Manos' into the shot. Six in a sunflower yellow, a pale pink, and a deep rose. They are hanging on the door behind me. Best you not look. I am a yarn hog, that's all there is to it.

Well, it's time for this gal to have her meds. I'm coming off a yarn high and may have to go nuzzle someskein fuzzy. Other yarns should start arriving soon for the shop, and I need to have a go at finding more 'fixtures' for this place. Once I sober up. It wouldn't do to head out furniture shopping on this stuff... I might buy a boat or something. Knit on, knitters. Cami


Dragonfly7673 (Vicki) said...

What is sock-camp?

If you turn the boat sideways and add shelves it might work as a fixture....

camillaknits said...

sock camp is "Camp Wannamaekasokki", or some such weird, camp-y spelling. Basically, a bunch (I hope) of my former beginning knitting students will be learning to knit in the round, and learning 'sock architecture' in the process. It's actually open to any knitter needing to take the next step toward becoming a knitter of socks. I still have much to do to be ready... mostly getting the word out. It's kind of starting out as a homeschool thing, but I'm hoping to groom some older knitters in the process.

Annalea said...

Just checkin' in on ya, Camilla. I'm glad to hear that things weren't so bad. I'm curious about the sock camp. I'll stay tuned. ;o) Goodnight!

RedRhonda said...

I must admit that when I look at your yarn photo, I am absolutely overwhelmed by jealousy. I want...
I want... I want... Does this make me a bad person?