Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Coming and going

There hasn't been very much knitting time today. Maybe three rounds? Probably less. You can see a beginning has been begun, though, and I am thrilled with how the Opal is responding to my 'experiment' of knitting on NOT 2mm needles. I've jumped up to 2.25mm and I'm enjoying it very much, thank you. Not all socks have to be water tight and bullet-proof, right? We'll see if I can resist the urge to back down the needle size once I'm past the heel flap.

The new patterns are here! I don't even know where to begin. The stack toy and pin cushions are stinking adorable, and the bag and apron are gorgeous. Can't get enough of the Miss Heather and her fabulous wares.

The latest book to arrive just about made me faint. I've been collecting vintage linen towels and odd bits of fabric for years, and now along comes "Home Sewn" by the lovelies at 'French General' and it took my breath away. Well, not for long, 'cuz y'all know what a jabber jaws I am, but for a good minute and a half, I was quiet, just staring and flipping pages and taking it all in. Beautiful book, fun and useful projects, and serious eye-candy, no kidding.
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Gotta get home. My evening includes knitting, dinner, and lots of laundry. Here's hoping your night is exciting or restful, just as you like it. C


Anonymous said...

I didn't get to look at THAT book -I need to... and I need to find either a good used sewing machine to replace my granddaughter's/mine or buy a reasonable new one? Anyone out there know of a loved sewing machine that needs a new home? The shop seemed to have a little more customer action Weds, which is GOOD. We must keep Clemintines afloat fiber friends - it is a wonderful place and she can't do it all on her own!
Always, Robin

Thimbleanna said...

Oooh, lots of new goodies! I love Heather Bailey's designs (although I could do without a bit of her attitude sometimes)and that French General book looks fabulous!

Anonymous said...

I love that sock. I can see why you couldn't resist it's siren call. I'm about to cast on 15 new pairs of socks for me! g