Friday, April 11, 2008

Drunk on Color (and cough syrup)

Remember my sewing extravaganza of Tuesday evening? Here are the piles of patchwork blocks, waiting for a sober moment to sew them together. The colors all play beautifully; the Kaffe Fassett prints just seem to sing with the pixie-cute 'Lakehouse' polka dots.

Here is the latest fabric to be delivered to Clementine's. It's called "Net of Jewels", though the camera doesn't quite capture the alluring part of it, that the warp and weft threads are different colors. It's a lot like the "shot cottons" done by Kaffe, but with more body, so you can actually use them with quilting cottons and not have to fret over the varying weights of fabric.

And, finally, behold the wonder that is kidsilk crack haze. In the ongoing effort to get the kits done, I've made myself a little winding station up in the front of the shop. Progress is being made, and I can start shipping these little babies out by Tuesday. I hear the sample wrap is gorgeous... like the gossamer wings of angels. You so must have one.

Posted by PicasaThank you to all who sent well wishes for me. I'm not at death's door, but the coughing was getting to be excruciating. I spent yesterday doped up, and am looking forward to another evening of good, wholesome cough-syrupy fun, but I'll be back here again tomorrow. Have a wonderful night, everyone. C
a wee post-script, for Conni: the kits are for the "Modern Quilt Wrap", currently being stunt-knit by RedRhonda. You have to have one, oh yes you do. And the fiber festival that we'll be at is the one at Johnson Co. fairgrounds, on the first weekend of June. Hope everybody will come out to mock our Clementine, sitting in a 4-H barn!


Anonymous said...

what kind of yarn kits are you making and what are they for? and when is the johnson county fiber festival?

love your shop! i was the one who bought the yarn winder and swift thingie a few saturdays ago. having so much fun with them!


knitter in the desert said...

Wow sounds like that lovely cough flu thing that I somehow avoided even though all three co-workers had it....

Crap I'm going to have another project to start knitting....darn job is taking up too much of the day--really cuts into my knitting time....

Annalea said...

I'm almost persuaded to try my hand at knitting with Kidsilk Haze . . . except that the photo of the modern quilt wrap just doesn't look like the colors that you show. Will you post a photo of the finished sample, once your stunt knitter has it done? I'd love to see it true to color, if it's not true at Knitting Daily . . .

Knitterary said...

I have color envy! I don't know which are more tempting, the yarns or the fabrics. Makes me want to road trip to your shop!

Dragonfly7673 (Vicki) said...

I've been sick all week too, sinus and lung infections with lots of meds. Lovely colors in this post!!

Thimbleanna said...

Hmmmm. What's this you say??? A fiber festival the first week in June? Methinks perhaps the quilty peeps will require more info.... ;-)